Friday, November 21, 2008

Sharing Time

Sharing Time
Week 4 November
Theme: I can show respect and kindness to all of God's children.

Here is our plan for sharing time this month, week 4. Open with song - Kindness Begins With Me (class sings, then the whole primary). Ask, "Who is a child of God?" - Let the children raise their hands. Let each child in class hold a color. Have primary audience raise hands for which is their favorite color. Explain that no color is better or worse than another, just different. Have children is class hold pictures of objects in the colors (i.e. yellow sun, red flower) and explain that variety makes our world beautiful. Explain that people come in varieties too. Play a game based on physical characteristics (hair color, eye color, age). Say, "those with brown hair touch your toes" continue with different actions. Explain about people with disabilities. Let a child come up and blindfold him. Tell him to walk to the door. Have another child come up. Put ear plugs in her ears. Whisper a command while looking the opposite direction. Then get her attention and while looking at her speak loud and clear. Pretend that you have just moved from another country. Speak in a foreign language. Ask if anyone understood. How did it make them feel? Close with the song I'll Walk With You (Idea by Sheri Leishman / ga11142008) (

My Plan
Ask: Who is a child of God?
Explain to children that we are going to learn about how different/alike we are today.
Divide into groups based upon;
- Fav Animal
- Fav Holiday
- Fav Colors

Talk to them about how different we are all.
Have them imagine what it would be like if we all liked the same things( color, activities, animals, holidays, everything??)
Show them pictures of a yellow Sun, red flowers and explain that variety makes our world beautiful.
People also come in varieties.Have them look at the person sitting on their left and on their right and see how different they are, eyes, nose, hair color.

Tell Story from Elder Neil L. Andersen Conference address Oct. 2008 "You Know Enough"

Hadley Peay is now seven years old. Hadley was born with a very serious hearing impairment requiring extensive surgery to bring even limited hearing. Her parents followed with tireless training to help her learn to speak. Hadley and her family have cheerfully adapted to the challenge of her deafness.

Once, when Hadley was four, she was standing in the checkout line at the grocery store with her mother. She looked behind her and saw a little boy sitting in a wheelchair. She noticed that the boy did not have legs.

Although Hadley had learned to speak, she had difficulty controlling the volume of her voice. In her louder voice, she asked her mother why the little boy did not have legs.

Her mother quietly and simply explained to Hadley that “Heavenly Father makes all of His children different.” “OK,” Hadley replied.

Then, unexpectedly, Hadley turned to the little boy and said, “Did you know that when Heavenly Father made me, my ears did not work? That makes me special. He made you with no legs, and that makes you special. When Jesus comes, I will be able to hear and you will get your legs. Jesus will make everything all right.”

Except ye . . . become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven.”

Hadley knew enough.

Jesus is the Christ. He is resurrected. He is our Savior and Redeemer. All will be made well when He comes again. This is His holy work. Through the Prophet Joseph Smith, His priesthood was restored upon the earth and His prophet today is President Thomas S. Monson. I so testify in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

Have the classes get into groups and give them different scenarios and tell them that they can act them out if they want or just tell what should happen in the situation.

(1) At school your teacher announces that someone new is going to be in your class. She introduces Bob and says that he is from Germany. He speaks a little bit of English but not much. How could you help Bob feel welcome in class and in a different country??

(2) You notice there is a girl who always sits by herself at lunch. You know that she walks with a walking stick and cannot see very well. How can you be a good friend to her?

(3) There is someone visiting primary in your class. You notice that he is very shy and scared to be there. How can you help him feel welcome in your class?

(4) There is someone at school who always gets made fun of because his name. How can you explain to this person that it's good to be different?

End with saying even though we may look different on the outside, we all are children of God and He wants us all to come back and live with him again. Sometimes it is hard to be different but Heavenly Father loves us all individually and expects us to show love and kindness to all of Gods children.

Do friendship fudge, have each child squish it then pass it to the next person. Explain to them that it dosen't matter who squishes it, that the end result will always be the same. We should remember to treat everyone with love and kindness and remember that we all want to be with our Heavenly Father again. -

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