Sunday, February 15, 2009

Lesson 7: Faith in Jesus Christ

I know that the main object lesson for faith is growing a seed. I love that idea and think it is a good long term project but I wanted to do something in my class today that would help them understand faith.

We are going to be detective today. Detective are people who find out the truth about things using clues. They ask people questions and look for things that will help them know the truth. Today we are going to walk around the church and find clues that help us know Jesus Christ is real. When the kids find a clue since they can't write I will write it down in a little notebook. We will also ask a couple of people how they know Jesus Christ is true.

Make detective badges

Some clues:
we sing songs about him in primary
we go to church
our parents teach us about him
other people's testimonies

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